Monday, September 12, 2011

I recommend you NOT eating this...(Homemade Play Dough)

Today was a day spent indoors.  Although it was bright and sunny, the wildfires affecting this area has left our air quality poor.  We pick and choose our outdoor days wisely, yesterday, being one because it was Baking Tots "Super Hero Pool Party".  So that left today filled with indoor games, singing, cuddles, tickles and play dough.
The Baking Tot has spent the majority of our day playing with play dough.  After I shaped them into various fruit shapes he has carried them around as if they were gold.  He even wanted to take the apple & orange with him to nap time.
Last year I had made homemade play dough for the Baking Tot's birthday favors and forgot to share it with you dear readers.  I don't remember how much it makes, or where I even found the recipe but I do remember it is really easy and fun to make.  The dough is soft and supple and the colors can be as bright and vibrant as you want.  Try it with your little one-it will be a hit.

Play Dough
4 cups of plain flour
1 tbsp cream of tartar
2 cups table salt
4 cups of water
1 teaspoon vegetable or canola oil
Food coloring (I prefer using gel based food dyes)
  1. Combine the dry ingredients together.
  2. Mix all of the ingredients in a large pan and heat it over medium heat.
  3. Stir constantly until the dough feels like stiff, smooth, mashed potatoes. At this point, take it off the stove. Once it has cooled enough (about 2-5 minutes), knead it until it is blended smoothly.
  4. Divide the dough into several balls. Add food coloring to each ball and knead until color is blended in. This works best if the dough is still warm. 
  5. Store the dough in an airtight container or bag.


Lauren's Latest said...

I love making this for my little one! She tried eating it once and was totally un-impressed! Lol!

Mama Pea said...

Your photography and cute packaging are to die for. I really love it!